6 Social Media Strategies to Improve Visibility

Kingdom Branding
4 min readJan 25, 2023

The latest data shows that 4.55 billion people worldwide are active on social media, and 84 percent of Americans use social media at least once per week.

Think about how much more successful your business could be if you reached just a tiny portion of these people with your social media content. With increased social media visibility, you could build brand awareness, get more people interested in your products or services, and connect more easily with crucial members of your target audience.

As a creative branding agency, Kingdom Branding understands the value of an effective social media strategy. We also know how to develop one and ensure your content gets seen by potential customers.

In this guide, we explain the importance of social media visibility. We also teach six effective strategies you can use to boost your brand’s online reach.

Why Social Media Visibility Matters

By increasing your brand’s social media visibility, you can enjoy numerous benefits, including the following:

  • Reach a larger audience
  • Keep up with the competition
  • Increase brand engagement
  • Increase customer loyalty
  • Boost sales and increase revenue

Social media marketing is also highly cost-effective. You can find affordable social media tactics that produce significant results regardless of your budget.

Strategies to Improve Visibility

People need to see and relate to your content to enjoy the benefits mentioned above. Here are six tips to increase Visibility:

1. Know Your Audience

Understanding your audience makes it easier for you to create content that people want to see and engage with.

To learn more about your audience, start with the following:

  • Collect essential data (audience age range, location, interests, hobbies, engagement patterns, etc.)
  • Use social media analytics to learn about your followers, as well as what, when, and where they post
  • Keep an eye on your competitors to learn how they engage with your audience (and identify the tactics that do and don’t work)

You can also distribute surveys to people on your email list to gain more insight into your audience demographics.

2. Conduct Keyword Research

Using the right keywords in your social media content helps you get your posts in front of people who want to see them. For example, say your business sells health and wellness supplements. If this is the case, you’ll want to use health and wellness-related keywords to connect with people who are most likely to buy what you’re selling.

3. Use the Right Social Media Network(s)

When you gain more insight into your audience, you’ll learn which social media networks they use most often. Once you’ve armed yourself with this information, prioritize those platforms. Don’t waste time creating tons of content for Facebook if your target audience spends most of their time on Instagram and TikTok.

4. Interact with Followers

It’s not enough to post on social media. You must also interact with your followers and build relationships with them. When someone comments on a social media post, respond promptly — and make sure it’s a meaningful response. Don’t just leave a “like” or a heart emoji. Let people know that you appreciate their comments and want to connect.

You can also share user-generated content. For example, if someone posts a picture on Instagram and tags your brand, share that post on your story and thank them for the shout-out. Sharing user-generated content encourages others to post about your brand on social media and share your products or services with their audience.

5. Post Consistently

If you only post once every three weeks, the algorithms are less likely to pick up on your content and share it with others. When you post consistently, getting your content in front of a larger audience and seeing better results from your social media marketing strategy is easier.

6. Measure Results Regularly

Reference social media analytics (most platforms offer tools that let you do this within the app) regularly. Take note of the posts that get the most likes, comments, shares, etc. Then, use that information to tailor future content to your target audience’s preferences and ensure they continue engaging with it (increased engagement leads to increased Visibility).

Improve Social Media Visibility Today

You can take many steps to improve social media visibility, build your brand, and achieve your business goals.

Start with the abovementioned strategies if you need help increasing your social media reach. Get to know your audience, research keywords, use the right social media platforms, and ensure you regularly post, interact, and measure results.

Are you looking for more advice on promoting your brand on social media? If so, Kingdom Branding can help you expand your reach and achieve your goals.

We’re on a mission to change the world through creative problem-solving, and we can’t wait to work with you and develop custom social media. Get in touch with us at Kingdom Branding today to schedule a complimentary discovery session and learn more about our process.



Kingdom Branding

Kingdom Branding is a creative partner for brands that rule. We specialize in high-performing, conversion-focused, beautiful web and social experiences.